Bowling Tips

Lawn Bowling Tips And Tricks To Improve Your Game

Lawn Bowling Tips And Tricks To Improve Your Game

The first step towards learning and mastering a sport is getting acquainted with the rules of the game. The rules usually help players get familiar with terminologies used during gameplay, which shed light on the equipment and the layout of the playing area, among other things. Although the game may seem simple at a glance, it requires concentration and presence of mind to guarantee success. Like many other sports, practice makes perfect. You can only learn to play bowls at a bowling green since it is a physical activity and with practice, muscle memory kicks in to give you the edge you need to become a pro.

Lawn bowling may prove difficult for beginners at first, but we have put together some bowling tips to help you improve your game and enjoy yourself while at it!

Bowling Tips For Beginners

For a start, mastering a delivery technique that makes you comfortable goes a long way into improving your gameplay. Since the bowls aren’t wholly round and are weighted, they have a bias that adds a curve to their roll. Applying a delivery technique will help you take advantage of the bias, which will ensure that the bowl lands as close as possible to the jack.

The draw shot aims to land the bowl in a specific location without coming into contact with the opponents’ bowls. With this technique, aiming the ball to the right will allow it to curve left and vice versa. The second technique, the drive, is used to move the jack or the bowl closest to the jack out of play with considerable force. Lastly, the yard on or upshot aims to move the jack or other bowls out of play without bringing the game to an end.

Keep It Simple And Finding A Line

Keep It Simple And Finding A Line

Bowls is typically a simple game, and that is a good first approach to take when playing. Getting back to the basics will greatly improve your development. This applies to the shot techniques you decide to use as well as the mat position. Once you have the basics down, you can be free to switch it up and see what other, more advanced techniques have to offer, and you can apply these tactics to give you an edge over your opponents.

Finding a line is one of the most important tactics you can employ during a game of lawn bowls. The line is the path the bowl takes from your hand to the position you would like it to rest once it comes to a complete stop. Learning how to achieve a correct line, whether you have aimed towards the jack or an opponent’s bowl, requires you to master your preferred throwing technique as well as establish a comfortable weight. You also have to visualise the bowls journey, and this can also be improved through practice.

Take A Consistent Mat Position

Take A Consistent Mat Position

To improve on your delivery technique, ensure that you take the same mat position for every throw. This will help your mind adjust the force you are using as well as the direction accordingly, to help you make the best shots. If you pick a different position for every throw, your aim will be slightly different for each shot. Switching or changing positions comes in handy when trying to avoid an obstacle or when playing on uneven lawns.

With these bowling tips, you can be sure to improve your gameplay and battle it out with the best of the best. However, one of the most important tips to keep in mind is to have fun! Lawn bowling is supposed to be a social and fun game, and if you incorporate that into your game, then you’ll be sure to enjoy the sport. If you are ready to put these tips to the test, you can explore Bowling in Glasgow for the best parks and sports facilities.